Business Link is a free, online business advice and guidance service.
The School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) provides training and opportunities for people who want to use their creative and entrepreneurial skills to achieve social benefits.
School for Start-ups provides, information, advice and business training for entrepreneurs.
Start Up Britain offers a range of tips designed to make it easier for new companies and innovations to flourish and to encourage people who aspire to start new businesses to work for themselves.
The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) provides a wide range of advice, information and guidance to help non-profit organisations achieve the highest standards of practice and effectiveness in all areas of their work.
Funding Central is a free website for charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. It provides access to thousands of funding and finance opportunities, plus a wealth of tools and resources supporting organisations to develop sustainable income strategies.
Know how non-profit is the place for nonprofit people to learn and share what they have learnt with others.
Social Enterprise Coalition promotes best practice and advocates for social enterprise.
Investors in People (IIP) is a flexible standard which helps organisations transform their business performance.
Investors in People Interactive is IIP’s free business improvement tool, designed to guide you through development activities and help transform your performance.